subota, 29. svibnja 2021.



TROBECOVE KRUŠNE PEĆI was the cult band from Zagreb (Croatia), in the beginning of the 80's, distinctive not only for its bizarre name (inspired by incinerators which served Slovenian serial killer from mid 70's, Metod Trobec) but also because of its intensive, concrete and noisy variation of rock and roll music. "Trobecove krušne peći are equally illogical, radical, innocent and rough, and they expect the same from you. They're getting hold of unusual obsessions and tensions from reality, only to distort them even further and turn them into tauntingly important remarks" (Polet, April 27th 1983). In 1985, in Ljubljana they recorded material for their debut album that has never been released during the time the band was active. It was released during 1995 only in audio-cassette form for Kekere Aquarium. (from


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